About Us

We are an emerging company with a global vision. From our name, you can tell we are all about beans lentils and legumes. We aim to cook foods as they were designed for our bodies. It is possible because millions of house wives do this daily. Restaurants give us foods that are free from preservative and chemical flavorings.
Refrigeration is really a blessing to humanity. At this stage in human history, we should not be tolerating chemical preservatives in any from or shape or quantity.
We do not need chemical additives or flavour enhancers. Herbs and spices in their natural forms enhance the flavour of food. As a company our aim is to introduce these beans, lentils and legumes to the world as convenient food so that humanity can enjoy their full benefits.

In Praise of Beans

Beans are good food for you.They have no cholesterol and almost no fat. They are loaded with Proteins, calcium and iron. They have soluble fibre, which many people associate only with oat bran. Also they have omega-3 fatty acids which we tend to think of in fish oils. About the only thing that beans do not have is a good lobbying group to promote their advantages. – Neal Barnard, M.D. “Foods that fight pain”.

Our premises

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